The University of Greenwich Purchase AVRT After Being Awarded RCIF Grant

AVRT are delighted to be working with the University of Greenwich on a number of academic studies. The University have purchased the AVRT system after successfully obtaining an RCIF fund grant for simulation research training with Police and Community. The system has already been deployed and is based at the Sports Science, and Psychology facility […]
AVRT demo at University of Greenwich

AVRT were delighted to welcome representatives from the Metropolitan Police, British Transport Police and College of Policing, among others to the excellent University of Greenwich Simulation Centre yesterday to try the latest version of the AVRT Adaptive Virtual Reality Training System.
AVRT set up possibly the largest free-roam VR training system in the UK
This week Essex Police had, what we believe is, the largest free-roam VR training system in the UK as part of our demonstration with technical partners Antilatency and TESLASUIT. Essex Police have the AVRT system on trial for the next few months where they are assessing VR usage within the firearms training world to help […]
Civil Nuclear Constabulary and Humberside Police Immersed in AVRT VR
AVRT were back on the road last week for socially distanced demos and were kindly hosted by the Civil Nuclear Constabulary up in scenic Cumbria and then on to Hull, overlooked by the impressive Humber Bridge, where Humberside Police were also fantastic hosts. It was great to see Officers, Firearms Instructors and also L&D and […]
BBC News and BBC Click Feature the AVRT Platform Over the Week End
Press interest in our AVRT Platform has heightened of late, culminating in the BBC News and BBC’s Click running pieces on the benefits of VR training, in which AVRT featured heavily. Click the following link to see the BBC Click coverage.
AVRT Goes Live !
The AVRT Adaptive Virtual Reality Training system is now live and in use at Derbyshire Constabulary. Last week Derbyshire Constabulary officers undertook their initial Taser training course using the AVRT VR scenarios to develop their skills. Here, they are debriefed on their use of the NDM following a scenario where they experienced a stand off […]
University of Derby – Taser Training Study
Looking forward to being back with our partners at Derbyshire Constabulary this week with the AVRT Adaptive Virtual Reality Training system. Preparing for their Taser training study in conjuction with the University of Derby.
VR World Tech Article About the AVRT system
ITV feature on the AVRT platform
Another Great Write Up of AVRT